March is my one of my favourite months for gardening. The winter longings are finally soothed by the first planting in March. Not only are we looking at seeds growing indoors, but we can see all manner of plants coming to life outdoors too! Planting in March When I am planting in March, I feel…
Snow and Seeds is the February Gardening in Winter
Gardening in the winter looks much different than in the summer. Over November we rest. In December, we read and dream. In January, the dreams are shaped into plans and garden beds cleaned (if possible). February is the month to get serous. In February, we start the majority of our seeds indoors. This year especially,…
Simple Peppers & Growing Bell Peppers from Seed in 4 months
Peppers are the summers thirst quenching snack, one we appreciate for fresh eating and salads. Growing bell peppers from seed is worthwhile if you don’t have a nursery close-by or the cost of pepper seedlings are too high. While I start the majority of our plants from seeds, it is easy for me to start…
Abundant Vegetable Garden Layout (with Flowers and Companion Planting)
Our vegetable garden layout is packed full of flowers and herbs that work with companion planting practices. Planting a mixed garden with vegetables and flowers is one of the ways we grow a healthy garden with an abundance of crops! My Favourite Home Garden Items Plant labels: I have made my own in the past,…
Abundant Winter Garden Plants in January (Indoor and Outdoor)
Welcome to this month’s garden tour! Learn why you should grow a winter garden and how. I’ll also share our winter garden harvest and which winter garden plants you can expect this time of year. Let’s get into it! In our garden this month, we are fixing the garden beds outside, planting our very first seeds…
The Best Tea for Pregnancy: Nettle, Raspberry & Peppermint
Herbal Teas in Pregnancy There is a load of foods we should and shouldn’t consume during a pregnancy. The internet is full of studies, scholarly articles, opinions and marketing. It can be challenging to navigate what is the truth. Some studies have variables that produce outcomes that may seem to say one thing, but is…
Grow Lights DIY Indoor Planting Rack from an Old Dresser/Bookshelf
Turning an old dresser/bookshelf into a DIY indoor planting rack was one of my favourite projects in our home. With the doors removed and lights installed onto each shelf, this cabinet gets the job done to grow our seeds into hardy seedlings each season. Learn how to make this grow lights DIY cabinet with a…
Growing your Own Best Chamomile Tea: Relaxing and Sweet Tea
News flash, chamomile tea taste nothing like the tea steeped from chamomile tea bags sold at the grocery store. It’s sad but true. If you have been buying chamomile tea bags at the grocery store (usually 10 in a pack) you have likely been sold a watered down version of the tastiest sweet tea in…
How to Grow Sweet Potatoes (Starting Indoor Slips)
Anyone can grow their own sweet potatoes. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a beginner, or you are simply flabbergasted at the price of sweet potatoes these days – you can grow your own sweet potatoes! In this post, I’m going to walk you through the methods I used to get sweet potato slips,…
Easily Dry & Make Lemon Balm Tea (Superb Benefits)
Lemon Balm tea makes a healthy loose leaf tea because Lemon Balm includes antioxidants and vitamins that support your overall health. This makes it a good plant to consume. We pick our leaves from the small bush in our farm garden. While the lemon balm plant is only in its second year since starting it…