Hi, I’m so happy to meet you!
Come along with me as I learn some tips and tricks to make a sweet home and care for my beloved family.
Join along in my testing of new recipes and ways I manage my home.
This season, I’m working on improving my abilities to harvest crops from the garden and experiment with recipes to make tasty and healthy meals for our family. I am also learning to preserve the abundance of food, and turn it into delicious meals every season.
I want to share my experiences with you – what works and what doesn’t so well!
It will be lovely having you peek over my shoulder while I create a cozy life giving home for my family.
Our greatest work…
As wives and moms, it should be our best work to establish a haven for our families.
Our home is the space where our kids learn of love and fun. I pray it’s their favourite place – at least for now.
It’s also a place I aim to beautify in a way that re-energizes my husband for his daily pursuits.
What a responsibility and work of love.
Look around and see the possibilities
Look at my latest experiences growing our 1/2 acre garden, creations in the kitchen, and arranging (and re-arranging) our home’s spaces. Each category contains tips to help make a living space that is wonderfully accommodating for all to thrive in. It is my desire that these ideas will help you to care for your family, and enjoy the life God has blessed you with.
Thank you for joining the journey on creating a beautiful home and loving environment.