A little background about us
We are a young couple striving to use our talents and abilities to be self-sufficient and content with life. We want to make as many aspects of daily living our own responsibility. In this, we are making homemade and natural living our playground.
Walter has impressive BBQ talents and is a master at creative endeavours. As his wife, I, Natasha can plant and grow a decent garden with veggies and flowers and enjoy finding new ways to preserve food. I love cooking and baking!
As a newly married couple living in Canada, we spend ample time imagining what it would entail to become totally self sufficient.
Both of us were born in South Africa and moved to Canada in our pre-teen years. Our parents taught us to value hard work and to be grateful for our freedom and opportunities in this land of milk and honey.
Our life-time
We married on a farm in Ontario and moved to a basement suite in British Columbia.
Newly-weds and loving every moment of it 🙂
We paid off all our debt.
Natasha baked her first bread, which set off the fire alarm and led to our move.
We moved to a farm suite built on a horse barn.
First big garden year!
April – Tour along the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia.
May – Garden irrigation install
Our dream
To be able to play each day on the playground of God’s earth learning the abundance of the natural lifestyle.
To be as little dependant on the economy and the limitations created by others.
We long to reap the benefits of new skills, eating healthy, rich-tasting foods, think up solutions and experience the awareness of doing things yourself.
We want to grow our own food and fix our own messes. Endeavouring to live this way, we can be a a young couple that experience and embrace the wonderful and exciting challenges of life.
Discover with us
Join us as together we think outside the box on how to create and improve our gardening skills and discover what makes old skills meaningful for living self sustainably.
If you landed on this site, then you are most likely also a ‘MacGyver’ type of person … interested in creating a solution for any problems that may happen to show up. Watch the two television films, Lost Treasure of Atlantis and Trail to Doomsday, aired on ABC in 1994 at your leisure to get the gist of the MacGyver meaning.
You might wonder how to build your very own BBQ table so that you can set down your whiskey or beer while you prepare a perfectly grilled dinner.
Process a crop of veggies or deal with an abundant harvest of some sort …
If neither gardening or lumber crafts are your passion, you may be here for inspiration on just becoming more creative.
Only you can captain your ship. Come sail along into a fearless and beautiful future!
Our photos and videos are created by www.hilitepictures.com